Registration Fees

Please visit the Online Registration Form to register for the congress.


Early Registration Fee

Late Registration Fee

IMS Member*200 €240 €
Non-Member300 €
340 €
IMS Student*
100 €
130 €
Student Non-Member160 €190 € 

*Membership fees are applicable only if membership status is active at the time of registration. Membership status will be verified.

The Professional Congress Organizer reserves the right to allocate your registration to the appropriate category, should we not receive the proper documentation.

Click here to view the Terms & Conditions.

Congress Registration Entitlements:

  • Admission to all scientific sessions 
  • Access to the exhibition area
  • Congress material and documentation 
  • Coffee and refreshments during official breaks
  • Admittance to the opening session  (August 22, 2022)

IMS2022 Congress Travel Subsidy Grant:

The International Musicological Society (IMS) has established a travel fund to support travel and accommodation expenses for IMS members who are presenting at the IMS2022 Congress. Please use the following link for further details (member login required): The application deadline is February 10, 2022, and all applicants will be informed by February 21, 2022.